As with other internal communications, you will find that sharing information is a very important part of your role. In today’s environment, change is a fact. Companies that can resist change risk losing their competitive advantage.
The process of change is complex. As human beings, we often feel threatened by change. But the irony is that without change we can all live in caves. We must recognize that change can be both exciting and stimulating because it stimulates innovation and creativity. Good for business and good for us. The question is, “Can I manage change without drama?”
Before you start reporting a change, it is important to understand the psychology of change and your role in the process of change. Changes must be managed and communicated effectively so that they are accepted rather than rejected.
One of the most delicate areas to manage is your management team. They may be the initiators of the change initiative, but they may not be very good at conveying ideas in a way that is accessible to all employees. They may not even have the structure to manage the change process. Part of your job is likely to support your key stakeholders and help them communicate effectively with staff at all levels.
How can I report a change and minimize the negative aspects of the change process?
There are change management methodologies that have proven to be effective in implementing changes. They provide the basis for change management and the process of communication of change. Choose the processes that suit you, your corporate culture, and the type of changes you want to make.
Studying change management doesn’t take long to learn more about trust. It takes time to gain the trust of the staff, which is the basis of the employee’s commitment to the cause. To build, it takes time, and to destroy – just a few minutes. Signs that confidence has been eroded include declining productivity, low morale, resistance to change, high rumours and layoffs. A good change management process with effective and honest internal communication can prevent all of this and make implementing changes an exciting and rewarding task.

Understanding the psychology of change
Don’t let the change curve turn into a rollercoaster – change is a complex issue. Many of us do not accept the need for change, especially when it seems that things are going well. We are firmly established in our comfort zone and feel well-being. However, in the business world, senior management must be at least one step ahead to maintain the competitive advantage of their organization. Senior management can interpret the “comfort zone” as “stagnant” and immediately begin planning innovations and improvements.
Before announcing the change, someone clearly considered the current situation, analyzed the solutions and drew up a plan. It takes time. The plan is then often passed on to employees. Suddenly, when faced with a change plan and feeling left out, many employees begin to worry.
During organizational changes, employees may become less productive and question the reliability of their work. Their reaction to change is often emotionally charged, and if the change is not managed and communicated effectively, the chances of success are drastically reduced.
The change curve graphically describes the psychology of change. It contains the steps that employees usually take during the change initiative. These stages range from satisfaction (I’m happy as I am) to denial (it has nothing to do with my work), to resistance (I don’t have it), to research (can it pass for me?), to hope (I see how I can make it work for me), to engagement (it works for me and my colleagues). We must not forget that when significant changes occur, people need time to mourn perceived or real losses.
For effective communication, it is important to recognize the state of mind of your employees at every stage of the process, to be able to support them, confirm their feelings and bring them to the stage of interaction.
In general, employees experience changes at the beginning of the initiative:
Anxiety; For example. loss of employment or increased liability
Disappointment; for example, with a process or with a lack of information, or even
Acceptance for example, they recognize the need or inevitability of change.
Think strategically and clarify your messages
Why are we changing?
Even if you have the trust of your employees, they will not stand side by side and make changes unless you provide a compelling and logical reason for change. Your strategy should be to motivate employees with inspiration, not despair.
A structured process is only part of your strategic planning. An iterative process that allows you to make constant improvements based on the feedback you receive is a great approach. When you respond to comments, you show that you not only listen to your employees, but also listen to them. This can be an effective way to engage employees and take them to the change curve learning stage.
Part of a successful change management process should include strategic communication. It also means that your management team communicates effectively. A strategic measure can be to measure the effectiveness of managers in sending key messages and training those who fail. Roger D’Aprix notes that when some leaders encounter resistance, they either ignore it or want to suppress it. It offers a more strategic approach; who is committed:
o confidence
o Persuasive logic
o A combination of action and words
Engagement stakeholders
Do your confidence and minimize fear
Repetition of major themes.
Consider these key elements when creating key messages to support the change process.
To build trust, you have to be honest. Don’t miss the opportunity to convincingly justify the need for change, and you’ll find that employees will find their own reasons for change, usually less flattering. Do not think that negative people necessarily sabotage your project. They’ll do it if you let them in, but your job is to attract them. Converts can be your best allies.
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