Human interactions can be multiple (e.g. individual interactions, group interactions and interactions between states), multidimensional (e.g. social interactions, economic interactions and political interactions) and multi-layered (e.g., interaction with people). Elders, interaction with youth people and peers) interaction). These multiple interactions can be interrupted at any time due to real or fake differences between participants, so effective communication is necessary for stable interaction. Effective communication includes an actively engaged sender, a sincere recipient, relevant content for communication, availability of unmistakable media/channels, and a convenient space-time structure in the communication process.
Various studies and numerous reports on institutional studies have confirmed that the ability to communicate is the most important and important characteristic of an entrepreneur, both economically and socially. According to some management experts, “management is communication and communication is management.” Communication is needed at all levels of the institutional structure. This is necessary for better marketing, inevitably to build a team, is important for creating stable finances and is important for a good supply chain.
Communication model
The communication process consists of seven elements:
Sender – sender wants to share an idea with someone.
Message – The sender converts the idea into a message, the content of the message may be relevant or irrelevant.
Channel and Environment – Sender selects a channel to send messages (oral, written) and a channel (phone, computer, letter, etc.).
Recipient – recipient receives message; incomplete reception is not a trick.
Interpretation – the recipient interprets the message, which is the most important point of communication.
Comments – the recipient responds positively or negatively to the message and sends comments to the sender.
Responding to comments – the sender also responds to the recipient’s comments.
Now that the full cycle of the communication cycle is complete and a new or subsequent communication cycle begins, the process continues until a final conclusion is reached between the sender and the recipient.
Effective communication (critical elements)
Wiio Laws: Osmo Wiio has brought out communicative sayings similar to Murphy’s law:

Communication usually doesn’t work, except by accident.
If the message can be interpreted in different ways, it will be interpreted in such a way as to maximize the damage.
There will always be someone who knows best what you mean by your message.
The more we communicate, the more successful communication.
The more important the situation, the more likely it is that you will forget something important that you have just remembered.
These lines point to the brutal facts of the communication process. These are just a few aspects of bad communication. Poor communication can harm the sender or recipient. All practical struggles can be in limbo due to poor communication. At the individual level, ties could be broken and at the collective level war between States could break. Careful analysis of the communication process is inevitable to exploit the negative consequences of poor communication.
There are seven critical points in the communication process that can lead to misunderstanding. There may be an inappropriate idea to exchange, a poor conversion from idea to message, poor channel/media choice, an inability to understand the recipient’s level of understanding, an inability to create the same mental image in the mind of the recipient, an inability to understand the recipient’s response/response, a bad sender’s response to comments.
To avoid a misunderstanding between sender and recipient due to the presence of critical points in the communication process, the communicator needs seven skills/competences:
Relevance – the ability to develop the appropriateness of an idea or content for time, person and situation,
Prediction is the ability to predict or calculate the likely response of the recipient and appropriately format the message,
The choice is to choose or choose the right channel/environment for communication,
Mapping is the ability to display the same mental image in the recipient’s mind, i.e. to create a collection of thoughts,
Control – the ability to influence the recipient’s response, misinterpreting messages usually leads to incorrect responses.
Control – the ability to influence the recipient’s response, misinterpreting messages usually leads to incorrect responses. It is the sender/recipient mentality that plays a crucial role in the interpretation of messages. The negative attitude of the sender or recipient activates the Wiio laws.
Politeness – be polite and patient to the unexpected responses of the recipient during the communication process,
Friendship – the ability to maintain further friendships after a full cycle of communication.
It is noteworthy that people lose more in words than on other things. God gave us two ears, two eyes, two hands and one mouth. We can conclude that we need to see, hear and work twice as much as we say. Again, the ears are open, eyes are open, hands open, but the tongue is in the jaws. Open it when it’s inevitable.
Effective communication (some social issues)
The world is a multicultural structure of interdependent people, ways and ways of interaction vary from culture to culture. Some cultural differences (such as different manners and different languages) are extremely important in communication. Communication based solely on fashion can lead to misunderstanding between sender and recipient. It should be noted that the rejection of eternal manners (e.g. politeness, moderate voice, religious tolerance), all other manners (e.g. seating style, surname, style of criticism) change over time. A hard approach to communication standards is inappropriate. It’s amazing; The purpose of manners is to appease the other. In addition, in some cultures there are serious doubts about women’s communication skills. They find that women are less suited to communication-oriented tasks. Effective communication requires a flexible approach to cultural issues.
Age differences or generational gap are another obstacle to communication. When communicating or interacting, it is very important to consider age differences. The company consists of four generations:
Generation I is 0 to 20 years old. This is a new/dependent generation, that is a follower.
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