Effective communication with your employees will lead to more efficient work and help achieve the goals of any business, business or core interaction. As a manager, your communication skills are important for managing your employees’ actions. This basic course of management skills in communication will allow you to become the best manager for yourself and for your organization. You will learn how to communicate effectively, which will help you make the most of “other people’s work” to do the work.
There are many elements in communication. Think about verbal communication skills, listening skills, written/electronic memos, telephone skills, and non-verbal communication skills. Also think about all the people we talk to: subordinates, colleagues, bosses, clients and groups of people. Also, consider some of the reasons we communicate: to get and pass on information, to discipline subordinates, to perform tasks, etc.
We will not be able to learn all the facets and components of communication. Instead, we will focus on the general principles of effective communication that apply to most situations, and highlight important points to remember in specific situations. We will only use the “theory” needed to gain a basic understanding of communication issues. First, we’ll discuss what you can do to become an effective communicator.
Our goals
Once completed, you’ll be able to:
1) Recognize problems and obstacles in communication.
2) Introduce methods to solve problems and obstacles in communication.
3) Demonstrate the basic rules of effective communication.
4) Use special techniques in specific communication situations.
It’s about giving you more than just communication information. Rather, it is designed to teach skills that you can apply in everyday life.
What is communication?
Communication is simply sending a message to someone else. The person sending the message must first formulate it in his head. This determines the value the sender wants to pass on to another. To formulate the meaning of the message, the sender usually relies on their attitude, perception, emotions, opinions, education and experience.
The message is then sent to the listener through verbal speech and non-verbal gestures. The person who received this message interprets its meaning. To do this, the listener uses his past, attitude, perception, emotions, opinions, education and experience.
There is an effective communication between two people when the person receiving the message interprets the message the way the sender intended. Sounds very simple, doesn’t it? Well, maybe.
Who is responsible for effective communication?
Managers share the responsibility for effective communication with the employees themselves. The manager is 100% responsible for effective communication with his employees.
This includes creating an open and confident communication environment, as well as demonstrating good communication skills to your employees. The employee is 100% responsible for using the “communication climate” to express what is important and relevant. For example, the manager is expected to ask, “Is there a question?” after giving the assignment to the employee, but the employee is also expected to say, “I have a question,” if this happens to an employee without waiting for the manager to respond.
Why should managers be effective communicators?
o Communication is used so often that “we can’t afford to do it wrong.”
o Communication has a special power: to arouse interest, to encourage action, to reach agreement, to awaken enthusiasm.
Communication is the main method used by managers to manage the behavior of their employees.
Communication is the basis of almost all other management skills. He participates in the delegation of tasks to subordinates, motivates employees, demonstrates leadership qualities, forms new policies and programs, advises on performance, etc.
Obstacles to effective communication
o The supervisor is not available.
o The leader is buried at work.
o The chief is always in a hurry.
The manager retains a busy facial expression; little eye contact with employees.
o Manager is informal only with his colleagues or his boss (never with his subordinates).
o The chief asks employees to “record” rather than encourage discussion.
o The leader never asks “How are you?”
Where do communication problems occur?
The main source of misunderstanding between the two people is communication failures that occur when the recipient understands the meaning of the message differently than expected. We don’t always tell us what we’re going to do.
Communication failures occur when there is a gap between what the sender meant and what the recipient thought the sender meant.
The communication failure can be caused by:
o You’re so concerned that you don’t listen to what others are saying.
o Be so interested in what you want to say that you are listening just to find a way to engage in conversation.
o Be so sure that you know that the other person is going to say that you will distort what you hear to meet your expectations.
Assess and evaluate speakers, making them protective and protective.
o The inability to “look beyond words” and get an emotional message from the sender.
o Don’t trust the speaker and don’t be suspicious of what is said.
Pave the way for effective communication
Even before the first word is said, there are already several factors that can affect the success or failure of our communication. Let’s look at these factors to see what role they play.
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